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🗃 How to choose a VPN ? ðŸ—ģ

The best way to stay secure when using public Wi-Fi is to use a VPN solution, like Norton Secure VPN, which is compatible with Android and iOS smartphones and tablets, as well as Windows PCs and Apple Macs. Here are some questions to ask when you’re choosing a VPN provider.

ðŸ”ī Do they respect your privacy? 
The point of using a VPN is to protect your privacy, so it’s crucial that your VPN provider respects your privacy, too. They should have a no-log policy, which means that they never track or log your online activities.

ðŸ”ī Do they run the most current protocol? 
OpenVPN provides stronger security than other protocols, such as PPTP.

ðŸ”ī Do they set data limits? 
Depending on your Internet usage, bandwidth may be a large deciding factor for you. Make sure their services match your needs by checking to see if you’ll get full, unmetered bandwidth without data limits. Remember, some packages may not cost you money, but you’ll be subjected to frequent advertisements instead.

ðŸ”ī Where are the servers located? 
Decide which server locations are important to you. If you want to appear as if you’re accessing the Web from a certain locale, make sure there’s a server in that country.

ðŸ”ī Will you be able to set up VPN access on multiple devices? 
If you are like the average consumer, you use between three and five devices. Ideally, you’d be able to use the VPN on all of them at the same time.

ðŸ”ī What happens if the VPN goes down? 
Be sure that your provider implements a kill switch system in the event of failure. This means that your connection would automatically be locked down and would not default to an unsecured Internet connection if something goes wrong.


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