You must be excited to know about the magical tapping experience. What the hell this tapify is? What services tapify offered? Why tapify claim to be innovative solution? How tapify innovate the way content delivered? And lot more…. Let’s start the story…hold your breath and keep reading.. Have you ever imagined that you just keep your phone near any object and information about that object appears on your phone straight away? Probably not right? We are going to experience you this through our innovative solution. Yes its true we are not kidding, really do believe in us. Ok I assume you believe in us but we are going to prove it for you. Keep exploring site and know more. Tap your phone near restaurant menu having Tapify™ logo on it and menu will be downloaded to your phone. You just need to keep your phone near menu for less than a second. Tap your phone near smart poster and follow on twitter, become Facebook fan, check in at a place. Tap your phone any object in a museum and informat...
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