A SYN flood is an attack on a target system, specifically an attack in a key design attribute of the TCP/IP networking protocol. In a SYN flood, the attacker sends thousands of SYN packets to a target system. A SYN packet is ordinarily a message sent from another computer that wants to establish a network con nection with the target. Upon receiving the SYN, the target system will reply with a SYN/ACK, at which point the conver sation will begin. An important fact to note is that the target computer will allo cate resources (mainly, memory) in anticipation of the new connection. But in a SYN flood, the attacker sends thousands of SYNs and ignores all the SYN/ACKs. The purpose of this is to flood the target system until it is incapable of communicat ing on any legitimate channels. A SYN flood is a special type of a denial of service attack. These attacks are discussed in the next section. How to Defeat it ? micro blocks Instead...
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